WNC stands for "Wednesday Night Club".
The other day, one of my colleagues invited me to join this club with him. In another word, it simply was that let's go to a pub or pubs with him or them.
Around a decade ago, in my company, "Wednesday" had the special meaning. At that time many employees, wether you liked or not, tended to work longer. It was because you earned more money according to the hours you worked overtime.
Then the company decided to force any employees to go home after 17:00 every Wednesdays allegedly due to the consideration of employees health.
Reality was the company wanted to reduce the cost.
Another reality was that many employees went to Japanese pubs just for chatting and getting rid of day's stress. Thus every Fridays became the day for the purpose of it.
When I heard "WNC", suddenly it reminded me of that going-to-Japanese pub day.
Now "WNC" in UK ended up with a dancing club after drinking after drinking British warm beers. I have to confess that my body can NOT put up with this "WNC".
Next time, I am sure that they will go somewhere WITHOUT me, please.