Usually after typhoon passes, sunny days come.
This time, it was sizzling hot day come.
It looks like we are still in the mid of summer.
But whether you are aware or not, the sound of season is changing definitely.
Now the crickets are mainly singing in the evening though cicadas are still singing in the day.
And one more thing you may notice is the red dragons flying over your head.
This red dragons flying are the symbol of autumn. Seeing many red drangons flying around makes you feel coolness of autumn.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Flora and fauna - September -
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
AWA odori to beat the sizzling summer

Nowadays, this dancing style is getting very popular,eventually held in many prefectures in Japan.
This place (Koenji AWA odori) became famous for it in Tokyo area.
The folk dance is similar to that of Tokushima Prefecture.
You are so relaxed in this mood that even Japanese summer is tolerable for the moment.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Flora and fauna -August-

Typhoons come to Japan with much moisture from Pacific Ocean.
While typhoons are not born in the south of Japan, hot glaring sun covers
over this country.
Nevertheless, some of the insects are very active, enjoying this summer such
as Japanese beetles, stag beetles,cicadas.
How about birds ?
These days, you can hardly see them under trees with a plenty of leaves.
Only what you can notice is that they sing in a loud voice at the top of the
trees, enjoying the freedom from bird-watcher.
This is not good season for us, bird-watcher.
Watermelons,peaches, Asian pears, etc are available in this season.
At the beginning of summer, there are lots of watermelons at stores.
But toward the end of the summer, you will find many Asian pears take the place of watermelons. Thus, you can see that the season is changing.
Monday, August 13, 2007
A firework
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Flora and fauna -July-
The Japanese cicadas have started singing for the first time in this season near my office.
This was a bit strange to me because it has been a little cold these days.
It seems that they know the time to sing.
After strong typhoon raged over
There is a nuclear power plant where a radiation leak and transformer fire occurred that day.
All of the plant's seven reactors have been suspended under the order based on the Fire Service Law.
Well this is the Japanese summer where we are in now.
Cicadas are singing peacefully.
The plant of the month:
A green soybean (Japanese name is Edamame) is very popular vegetables in
People eat it especially in summer with a glass of beer.
This goes very well with beer.
A lot of protein is included in a young Edamame. Besides not expensive.
Healthy thing (Edamame) goes with Non-healthy (Beer).
This is the matter of balance ;)
The bird of the month:
Ficedula narcissina (Japanese name is "Kibitaki")
It is one of the best singing birds in
Though they are rarely spotted in due to many leaves on a tree, high tone of singing is heard in a forest.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Typhoon No4

This photo shows this typhoon is now coming to Tokyo area.
Reportedly 3 people died, 73 injured so far.
Tokyo area will have 100 mm amount of rainfall.
Heavy rain will be expected in the afternoon today here.
Met office is warning tidal waves, strong wind and heavy rain along its path.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Flora and fauna -June-
They say this is due to La Nina event which brings abnormal weather around the area.
Met Office will announce the rainy season will end soon and shorter than last year.
This seems to be good but I know that this means very hot, muggy weather will come.
That may also bring the shortage of water supply in Tokyo area.
The plant of the month:
The bird of the month:
Blue-and-White Flycatcher(Cynoptila cyanomelana)
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Flora and fauna -May-
Farmers begin bedding out young plants such as corns.
I have found swallows flying over my head.
New nest was also found at a station.
All those things are symptom of rainy season coming.

This is the photo of corn field near my house.
A farmer has planted baby plants, expecting many sweet corns grow.
The plant of the month

This is the photo of moss pink (Phlox subulata).
Perennial plant makes you delighted every year .
The flowers are small with 5 petals, and bloom in rose, white, or pink in late spring to early summer.
You can grow this under full sun and in well-drained soil.
The bird of the month.
Of course, the swallow is the bird of this month.

Because, they eat bugs such as mosquitoes which annoy people.
You will find the nest of this bird at local railway stations, any places good for growing babies.
When you see this birds flying over your head, this means that the season is changing from spring to early summer (rainy season).
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Golden Week in May
That May has "Golden week" is one reason.
May will be followed by that notorious Baiu Season (rainy seaon ) in June.
Golden Week is consist fo several public holidays as follows.
- April 29
Greenery Day, or Nature Day
- May 3
Constitution Memorial Day
- May 4
People's Day, or Citizen's Day
- May 5
Children's Day
May Day (on May 1) is not a public holiday, but is nevertheless often granted as a holiday by many companies.
The rule is, when a public holiday is on a Sunday, the next day tbecomes a holiday for that year.
Flora and fauna -April-
The life time of flowering of this blossom is very short, about one week or so.
This is why people here like this trees.
At the time I write this article, flowering ended, many trees are growing many leaves.
April starts with Cherry Blossom and ends with the beginning of so-called "Golden Week".
The plant of this month:
I would like the tiny plant, "Erythronium japonicdum".
This plant is also to flower at the beginning of April, does not last long.
It is not popular flower but grows at limited place like a sunny slope of hill.
You would notice that the flower petal is very unique.
The bird of this month:
It is Japanese Bush Warbler (Uguisu).
This birds will sing from April, therefore people think of this bird as a herald of springtime.
They are more often heard than seen.
Along with this uguise, great tit's singing is heard in many places.
Yes, spring has come with birds singing.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Yellow sand
This sand was carried on strong wind from China.
TV news said many cities in Japan were coated with annoying sand.
In this time of the season, this is the typical example of bad things here.
This climate phenomenon seems to become very heavy year after year.
That many woods are reportedly cut for houses, paper, etc in China is one of the reason which cause this heavy yellow sand to be worse than ever.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Erythronium japonicum
You can see this flower in a grove but only for about two or three weeks.
Only this season.
I myself took this photo.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
The cherry blossom
This winter season was very warm and they forecasted it will bloom quite earlier than regular season.
But this prediction was wrong though they said it was due to a software bug of hi-tech computer program.
Anyway,cherry season begun. Many people will take a walk under those trees.
This time of the year is one of the best season in Japan.
Warm, little rain.
Monday, March 12, 2007
Flora and fauna -March-
From this month, therefore, I will write what I am interested in Japanese plants, birds.

The plants of this month:
I chose "daphne" as the plant of this month.
In the middle of March, sweet smell of daphne begins to hang over around the outskirt of Tokyo.
You can sense that long dark season will end, warm comfortable season will start with this smell.
As you may know, the North of Japan is still cold while the south of Japan is now very warm because Japan is vertically long country.
Tokyo are, where I live, is the centre of Japan and now this smell is going around with this reason.
The birds of this month:

The eyes are surrounded with white color and its body is tiny, greenish.
They are seen on the branch of Japanese plum trees (Ume) with many flowers.
Those birds like to suck sweets from flowers of Japanese plum trees.
People like those tiny lovely birds and sense the cold season is beginning to end.